On July 19, 2023, we held our first Project Steering Comittee Meeting at the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation, and Climate Change premises. The meeting was attended by Programme Manager Çiğidem COYGUN HANDY, Contract Manager Nurnisa ELÇİN, Head ofCircular Economy and Waste Management Department Sadiye BİLGİÇ KARABULUT, Project Manager Gözde VARDAR, and member of the Operations Coordination Unit.
Members of the steering committee included representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change, the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, The Climate Change Presidency, The EU Presidency, The Turkish Environment Agency, The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), The Strategy and Budget Presidency, and EuRIC.
Project Team Leader Elina VELINOVA and Deputy Team Leader Oğuzhan AKINÇ gave the committee members detailed information about the activities carried out from the beginning of the project to the present and the future activities were also discussed at the Steering Committee Meeting.